Black Bear Diner

Questions and answers

What's on special for dinner this evening?

I'd suggest calling them to find out. That way you'll know what it is, how much it cost and see if it hasn't ran out.

Is breakfast served all day

The whole menu, which is a replica of a one-page folded newspaper, is served all day.

Can seniors order off chidrens menue??were ln our 80 years of age.

No, it can be ordered only by children, ?

Is beer or wine served ?

Nope but yes Great food

Do you serve alcohol?

Sorry no.

Do you.have a liquor licences

I do think they do. It is a will established restaurant with many locations throughout the region. Great food and an abundance of it.

Does the Black Bear have a liquor licences?

I don't think they do. But I could be wrong.

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